
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finished miniature dollhouse paint bottles

Ok, so I finally got to take some pictures of the miniature paint bottles that I am making for my craft room and the pictures came out a bit blurry. I'm so in need of a light setup so that I can take good pictures of my minis so they don't come out blurry. I have macro on my camera but I think it is the lighting. Does anyone have any ideas or an easy way to make a light box setup?

Here are the pictures of the paint bottle. I am making more colors but I thought I would include this one for now.

 I used another paint label that I made and if you like that one (has ceramcoat on it) I can get it for you. Just let me know.

The glue bottle I made out of clay and I am currently making a label for it and will post it soon. I just included it for picture reasons.

Let me know what you think.....

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