
Sunday, December 22, 2013

DIY Minecraft Ornaments

Hello all, I want to share our Minecraft ornaments that we made with you. I both some pearler beads and my 9 year old made a Creeper face out of them by himself. Then we decided to make a grass block out of craft foam.

I know there are more Minecraft lovers out there. If you are like us, you find ways to make Minecraft things out of everything! My boys live and breath Minecraft and I am starting to love it too.

I wanted to share the ornaments we made and they are so easy to make. I ordered some clear glass cubed ornaments and I am waiting for them to come in the mail but in the mean time, we get creative on other ways to make ornaments.

These ornaments are extremely easy to make. Both my boys made them.

#minecraft #diycrafts #minecraftdiy #minecraftornaments #christmasornaments

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