
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back To School Digital Scrapbooking Layout

Hello again!

I finally managed to get my second layout completed. I want to share it with you. I have to say that digital scrapbooking is so much fun!! I wish I had more time to do it.

Well, my youngest (Spencer) has now started Kindergarten and has really liked it so far. For some reason though, these last two days he has really had a hard time during school. He raises his hand to tell the teacher he misses home and wants to call us and then starts crying. When I hear him tell me this, it literally breaks my heart!!! It is so hard to hear him tell me this. My immediate reaction is to Stop, drop, and "en-roll" him into home school! ;) However, I know this is good for him. I wish I could home school both boys. I can only dream for now. Maybe some day I can for sometime. Preston is the one that hasn't liked school much but hasn't really been bothered by school so far yet. This year he is going to learn cursive.

Spencer did explain to me his future plans. He is 6 years old mind you! He was trying to warn me so that I am aware. LOL!!! He says, with a serious look on his face and in a serious voice, "now mom, I just want you to know that I am going to be older and will have my own kids and I won't be able to stay and live at this house anymore with you, but don't worry mom because I will come and visit". Then he gives me a big hug. He repeated this a couple more times throughout the evening and I think it was to worn me and try to spare my feelings. :) I have to say, I was speechless!

I just thought I would share my fun stories about my baby boys! They make me smile constantly. I just truly hope that he gets better about school.

I will be sharing my first day of school pictures of the crazy boys as soon as I get them completed. This layout I am sharing with you today is of my friend/coworker's daughter and her first day of school. I happened to see this picture on facebook of her daughter and she has done so much for me, I decided to repay the gestures.

I have all of the designers names for the kits I used with this layout. I used a mixture and I keep track. So I did not make the majority of these elements and papers for this layout. I am not claiming them as my own. They were created by fantastic designers. I can give you the specifics if you would like. However, here is the list of the designers that were used on it.

1. Mystica Designs-kit name "Back to School"
2.Magical Scraps Galore-kit name "It's School Time"
3. Bella Gypsy Designs-Kit name "School Files"

If I have forgotten anyone, I am so sorry. These are the ones I used the most. I hope you enjoy the layout!

I also have this and several other things I have done on my flickr too if you are interested. :)

I did this one with the pictures at the bottom because I knew my friend would like it better.

I made this one with the little girl's picture in the center of the flower because I figured she would like to have her picture in a flower and she did! She was so happy!

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and read! See you again soon!

#digitalscrapbooking #digitalscrapbookinglayout

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free Pillow Box Tutorial and Printable Papercraft

Well, as you know, digital scrapbooking is one of my passions and so I am experimenting and playing around with different things I can make besides the traditional layouts with pictures.

Pillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative Crafts

I use different elements and papers from various designers and their kits. If you ever need or want to know where I got the kits from or who the designers are, contact me and I will be glad to give them to you. Someday my goal will be to be able to design my own kits and the elements and papers within them. I am currently taking some online classes at Hummie and the whole group are fantastic! They are so supportive and caring and really want you to learn.

Well first, before I get into the pillow box tutorial and printable, I want to share my first true layout I did. I am proud that I was able to blend the photo into the background but my creativeness was lacking when it came time to embellish with the elements. I spent too much time on it because searching through all of my elements, papers, etc. is extremely time consuming. I have been reading about 'how to organize' my digital kits. It isn't easy as one would think if you already have a bunch of kits before you started organizing. I hope someday I will be organized.

So here is my first true layout I did with a picture of my oldest son. We were out on the trail bird watching to check it off our list for his cub scouts to obtain his next badge.

For this layout, I used several different elements and papers from different designer kits. I will be more than happy to share the designer names with you if you would like them.

So, on to the pillow box tutorial and printable.


Tooth pick

Pillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative Crafts
You need glue (I used glue-all)
You also need clear glossy lacquer or varnish

Next, you need a printer.

Now here is the template of the pillow box I made and I am going to share with you.

Pillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative Crafts
 Keep in mind that you will need to adjust the box to the size you want. This size is a smaller size. However, you can just resize it if you want it bigger.

You will also need a thicker paper to print it on. I used card stock. However, I also think it would really look good on a glossy or matte cardstock or photo paper.

First, click on the template I have created above.

Right click on it and save to your computer.

Then adjust it to the size you desire using any photo editing software.

Set your printer on the best quality so that it prints looking the best.

Next, get the clear glossy lacquer or spray varnish and lightly spray the box before you cut it out.

Let it dry completely.

Once dry, cut out the template and fold on each dotted line (except the dotted line right in the middle of the box) you will want that to just be rounded instead of folded with a crease. 

Pillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative Crafts
see the creases. That is how it is to be folded. 
If you look at the template above, you will see the tab at the bottom with dotted lines, fold it and then using a toothpick, put glue on that tab and spread it evenly with a toothpick and then connect it with the other side of the template and let dry. Hold that side in place using a pencil or paintbrush.

Once dry, put some matching tissue paper inside with the gift you are giving to someone special then close us the ends overlapping each other while making sure to have folded them exactly with the dotted lines. 

Another cute idea you could do is take a scalpel and very carefully cut around the flower petals just enough to make them stick up a bit and look more 3D or realistic. You could do that to the blue tag I put in there too. There are so many things you could do with it!

Pillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative CraftsPillow box freebie and printable. property of Cassie's Creative Crafts

 I hope  you enjoy this pillow box as much as I enjoyed making it. 

#free #printable #papercraft #digitalscrapbooking #crafttutorial #DIY #pillowboxcraft #pillowboxtutorial #pillowboxtemplate